Self Defense and Stand Your Ground laws are almost fine: the concept is legit, but the implementation leaves them open to some serious abuse. Even South Park noticed this years ago. To get straight to the point: Most Self Defense…
Pollution: You’re Soaking In It
Humans have a nasty habit of really messing up wherever they live. Especially businesses, and especially unregulated businesses. Economics has this concept they call externalities. These are the effects of a process that don’t have to be paid for by…
DOJ Ball: This Has Already Gone Too Far
The Department of Justice has gone more than a bit freaky lately; see Wonkette’s PULL THE F*CKING FIRE ALARM and Bill Barr Breaks The Justice Department for some frankly revolting details. Regulatory Capture. That’s the concept in government that describes…
SPQA: Senatus Populusque Americanus
This is a followup to Let’s Do This: For Once Something Is Actually About States’ Rights. Either abolish the Senate or change the Constitution to make us a real federation. Let’s get really non-controversial: the only reason the Senate exists…
Let’s Do This: For Once Something Is Actually About States’ Rights
We have a history here in the United States of claiming that some … things … were about the rights of the states against the federal government when really they were about … something else. Yeah; that. This is not…
Gun Control: More Than Just Hittin’ What Yer Aimin’ At
So, there’s a certain breed of … let’s say “gun enthusiast” … who often sports the slogan “Gun Control is Hitting What You Aim At”. Many of them like it ’cause “it totally 0wnz the l1bs”. These people are wrong.…
Let’s Do This: “Citizens United” Is Easily Defeated
For those of y’all who’ve been living in a cave for the past several years of Supreme Court foolishness, Citizens United is the name of the case where the Supreme Court decided that if corporations are people then they must…