Looks like it’s time to set aside that iPhone: the U.K. has demanded that Apple compromise iCloud backup encryption. And Apple just announced that they will comply. Now, in theory, the way they’ve said they’ll comply will only affect users…
No More Kings: A Civics Lesson For The Treasonous
I’ve said it here before: you literally cannot get more Un-American than caring about the King or Queen of England. But trying to be a King of America comes a very close second. This is very well established, historically if…
You Should Read This: The Generative AI Con
I’ve made no secret here of my, let’s say disdain, for all the generative A.I. hype. Ed Zitron (at Where’s Your Ed At) is also no fan, which is very clear in his latest post: The Generative AI Con. We…
Devolution: Stick A Fork In America’s Ass
And turn it over. It’s done. OK, I’m mixing up my musical references there (and probably offending non-U.S. Americans), but you get the point? It’s time to talk about a post-U.S. America. While it’s possible that the United States as…
Герої: Save Ukraine, Save The World
I’m going to look at something other than Musk’s ongoing coup in the U.S. today. Hey, it’s a holiday. (Though not one I’ve ever felt like celebrating, and this year that’s more the case than ever.) So let’s turn our…
Hey, Feds: Step Away From That “Resign” Button
I started writing this last night, which may have been a mistake. Because of course there’s been some very relevant news this morning. But I’ll get to that at the end. This is for all you federal employees out there:…
Unnecessary Couping: The Hurt Is The Point
Can we please have no more arguing that Musk needs to stop coup-ing because breaking the State will hurt people? They already know it will hurt people. For many of them, hurting people is actually the goal. They don’t actually…
American Kakistrocracy: Rule By Plausible-Sounding Bullshit Generators
The Minions taking over the U.S. government have been connecting a Large Language Model (LLM), referred to as an “A.I.” by people who don’t know what words mean, to various government databases. This is truly History’s Stupidest Coup. I have…
Doubleplus Ungood: Duckspeak From The Upfuckers
Of course they’ve put out a forbidden words list. Several, actually. That link up there is about the NSF list, but the NSA has a different one; I don’t think anyone’s made a list of lists yet, but I’ve seen…
Oversight or Overlook: The Inspector General System Is Broken
So, Trump is firing Inspector Generals again. Second verse, same as the first. I’ve addressed this specific problem with the U.S.’ concept of executive oversight here several times; see the search. There’s a wrinkle that I hadn’t mentioned before, at…