There’s something missing from this Washington Post story titled “US intelligence officials early warnings to Trump about coronavirus went unheeded“. Go ahead; give it a read. I’ll wait. Did you catch it? They do a decent job describing a series…
You Should Read This: A New Use For Vacuum Cleaner Bags
Kevin Drum at Mother Jones reports on How To Make a Homemade Mask If You Absolutely Have To. The result may surprise you … … but not if you read this post’s title. (The original paper he discusses is here.)…
Disrupt The State: Monolithic Governments Need To Go Away
There are a lot of things that need doing, but that many of us just don’t trust the government to do. Fair enough. But that still leaves a bunch of stuff that needs doing: health care, identity management, election security,…
A New Normal: Business In A Time Of Pandemic
This is gonna take a while. A long, long while. So yesterday a new study came out that predicts abound 2 million deaths in the U.S., if everyone tries to just go about their business as usual. That’s … really…
Don’t Get Comfortable: Quarantine, Evacuation, And Curfew
It’s still important that we don’t normalize this. Just to start this off properly, they are correct this time: You should stay at home. You should keep about ten feet away from other people. You should minimize your contact with…
Hey America: Shut It All Down
A message from Italy: take this one seriously. Very seriously. It’s not often that I talk about something here where the solution is: extremely obvious widely agreed on by experts immediately doable by everyone (Usually, it’s the second one where…
Legislating Values: Culture Warriors In The Toy Aisle
This is the sort of thing that gives liberals a bad name. And Californians. So there’s a bill up in the California Assembly (Bill 2826) that would legislate (with fines, even) how stores could set up their toy aisles. Now,…
You Need To Read This: Dealing With American Health Insurance Is Worse Than Having Your Face Eaten By A Bear
It seems to be true though, and is being vouched for by one of the very few people who has survived both. So you should probably read this: Woman Who Had Her Face Eaten By A Bear Would Like Some…
They Never Learn: The Democrats Are Missing The Point Again
I will vote for Democrats, but I won’t support them. And I’ll never “unite behind” whoever wins their primary. But this is a lesson the Democrats steadfastly refuse to learn: just because I’ll vote for you, that doesn’t mean I…
Low Standards: A Vote Delayed Is A Vote Denied
Social media lit up after Super Tuesday with photos of and interviews with folks who stood in line for hours to vote. So much for being a “modern” democracy. This really is insane: you should not have to wait in…