Can we (should we) trust anyone in the government with the ability to keep secrets from the citizens? No. Just, no. Restricting ourselves just to the current administration, for a moment, we know that they have classified records of embarassing…
Moar War: Well, That Was Timely
So, my last post (Just Sayin: How A Democracy Would Go To War) turned out to be waaaaay more timely than I’d planned. That’s probably not a good thing. I’m not trying to be timely. I decided to start writing…
Gun Control: A Taxonomy
(This is a followup to a previous post: Gun Control: Bring Back the Militias. This train of thought pre-supposes that post has been implemented and official state militias exist.) You have what in your garage?! First, in the modern era…
Failed Constitution Check: Executive Oversight
Most Americans agree that the current federal Executive branch is out of control and the normal oversight mechanisms aren’t working. Most of those who disagree with that statement now would have agreed with it 4 years ago … This is…
Gun Control: Bring Back the Militias
Let’s start this off with something simple and non-controversial, shall we? A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. So, here…