Thanksgiving is Ukraine to Christmas’ Russia: I wouldn’t normally be particularly interested in it, though it seems fine (if a bit problematic), but its annoying neighbor just won’t stay inside its own borders. Christmas is the expansionist wannabe empire of…
Twitpocalypse Now: An Opportunity To Improve
You’ve probably heard that Elon Musk is having some … minor difficulties in his takeover of Twitter. Ya know, just some small things. Small things like being unable to disable access for former employees because all the employees who used…
Former: The Most Important Word In Government Titles
The most important thing to keep in mind about having a role in the State is that it ends, and then you go home and you’re just another citizen again. This is really important. My father, with whom I agree…
Royalty: You Just Can’t Get More Un-American
Elizabeth Windsor died today. This will be the subject of a lot of news coverage in the coming months, along with the installation of her successor. That’s fine: she was the Queen of England (among many other titles). She was…
Colorful Speech: We’re Doing This Again?
So, this weekend it came to light (in a rather dramatic fashion) that some folks think “colored” is a racial slur. Not just problematic, but an actual slur whose use warrants expelling a panelist from a professional conference. That’s gonna…
Still Going: The Energizer Pandemic
Even if you follow the news, you might be forgiven for thinking that the SARS-COV-2 pandemic was largely in the past. You’d be wrong, of course. It is still very much with us, and has been growing steadily since (shortly…
Abortion: Ignoring The Real Problem
Abortion’s legality is not a problem that should be addressed directly; there is an underlying problem that should to be solved instead. At what point does a new human come into existence? For any of you who aren’t familiar with…
Endemic: Just Another Word For “Giving Up”
Newsom’s grabbing for the brass ring before the ride stops. Again. Today’s infuriating headline is “California to unveil shift to ‘endemic’ approach to coronavirus“. Endemic. So, for those of you who haven’t been paying attention, “endemic” means accepting the disease…
Don’t Stop Now: Riding the Pandemic Tiger
It’s appropriate that we just entered The Year of The Tiger, since apparently a whole lot of folks need reminding about what “riding a tiger” means. ‘He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount’. And he damn well should be. One thing about…
Just Stop It: This “Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated” Stuff Is Nonsense
This has been bugging me for a few weeks: Stop calling it a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”; that’s just not true. And it’s not helpful. It’s very much still a pandemic of everyone. First, it’s still a pandemic: That’s the…