A message from Italy: take this one seriously. Very seriously. It’s not often that I talk about something here where the solution is: extremely obvious widely agreed on by experts immediately doable by everyone (Usually, it’s the second one where…
Legislating Values: Culture Warriors In The Toy Aisle
This is the sort of thing that gives liberals a bad name. And Californians. So there’s a bill up in the California Assembly (Bill 2826) that would legislate (with fines, even) how stores could set up their toy aisles. Now,…
You Need To Read This: Dealing With American Health Insurance Is Worse Than Having Your Face Eaten By A Bear
It seems to be true though, and is being vouched for by one of the very few people who has survived both. So you should probably read this: Woman Who Had Her Face Eaten By A Bear Would Like Some…
They Never Learn: The Democrats Are Missing The Point Again
I will vote for Democrats, but I won’t support them. And I’ll never “unite behind” whoever wins their primary. But this is a lesson the Democrats steadfastly refuse to learn: just because I’ll vote for you, that doesn’t mean I…
Low Standards: A Vote Delayed Is A Vote Denied
Social media lit up after Super Tuesday with photos of and interviews with folks who stood in line for hours to vote. So much for being a “modern” democracy. This really is insane: you should not have to wait in…
Executive Branch Jobs: One Is More Than Enough
One person really shouldn’t be able to have more than one Executive branch job. For one thing, how could you manage? There’s no way Mulvaney (or Grinell or any of the others) is actually doing a good job in all…
Sides: Always There Are Two (At Least)
I like Wonkette; they’re scrupulously accurate political news, with a lefty rhetorical bias but without scrimping on the dick jokes. What’s not to like? Well. Something that creeps into their reporting occasionally (and is much more common in less scrupulous…
Unity: The Spirit Of Fascism
America has a startlingly strong fascist streak. You can see it in all the talk of politicians being a “uniter”. That’s not actually a good thing. “Unity” is not a virtue of itself. I mean, sure, it’s fine if you…
Wasted Votes: Everyone Needs To Vote At The Same Time
So, several Democratic primary candidates dropped out before Super Tuesday. That’s normal. Yeah, but it’s not good for anyone who voted for them in the earlier states or who used eary voting or vote-by-mail to vote for them in a…
Real Accountablility: Elect Tha Police
That pic up there is what came up image searching for “police site:gov”. Yeah, that’s not good. But it’s a pretty accurate depiction of how the police (and government) in the United States seems to think of themselves. OK, so…