You should read this small diatribe from Ken White (aka PopeHat): In Defense Of Free Speech Pedantry. Yeah, it’s Substack, but the Internet’s in turmoil right now and sometimes even smart people make bad hosting decisions. The important part is…
Free Association: The Freedom To Discriminate
I posted a while ago about non-discrimination laws being incompatible with freedom of conscience. Today let’s look at how they’re incompatible with freedom of association. Though, frankly, this should be obvious. Freedom of association requires that the State not be…
Utilitarianism: The End Justifying The Means
Utilitarianism is the dominant philosophy in public discourse in the United States. And it’s nonsense. Utilitarianism claims that the morally correct action is the one which results in the greatest good. All this does, from a decision-making perspective, is kick…
Followers: The Problem With “Leadership”
Business leaders, political leaders, thought leaders; “leadership” is an aspirational word in these United States. It shouldn’t be. Sure, many of the qualities people mean by it can be good: decisiveness, confidence, charisma. These are fine things in someone trustworthy…
A Just War: Christmas Has Gone Too Far
Thanksgiving is Ukraine to Christmas’ Russia: I wouldn’t normally be particularly interested in it, though it seems fine (if a bit problematic), but its annoying neighbor just won’t stay inside its own borders. Christmas is the expansionist wannabe empire of…