I started writing this last night, which may have been a mistake. Because of course there’s been some very relevant news this morning. But I’ll get to that at the end. This is for all you federal employees out there:…
Unnecessary Couping: The Hurt Is The Point
Can we please have no more arguing that Musk needs to stop coup-ing because breaking the State will hurt people? They already know it will hurt people. For many of them, hurting people is actually the goal. They don’t actually…
American Kakistrocracy: Rule By Plausible-Sounding Bullshit Generators
The Minions taking over the U.S. government have been connecting a Large Language Model (LLM), referred to as an “A.I.” by people who don’t know what words mean, to various government databases. This is truly History’s Stupidest Coup. I have…
Doubleplus Ungood: Duckspeak From The Upfuckers
Of course they’ve put out a forbidden words list. Several, actually. That link up there is about the NSF list, but the NSA has a different one; I don’t think anyone’s made a list of lists yet, but I’ve seen…
In The Year 2025: If The Bureaucracy Is Still Alive
You know what I find even more infuriating than the fact that the United States government’s core operations have fallen to History’s Stupidest Coup? Just how easy it was. These nutbars were able to just walk into government offices with…
Muskrat Coup: It’s Even Stupider Than You Think
Just when you thought it might be safe to read the news again, Musk & His Minions are bringing a whole new (stupid) angle to modern coups. Yes, this coup has A.I. (No, no it doesn’t but play along for…
Press Pause: Shut It All Down For A While
Sometimes, it’s a choice between a (relatively) small disruption now versus a complete collapse later. This is especially the case when a system is already compromised. If an attacker is already “in your base killing your dudes” it can often cause…
Power: Yeah, Baby, He’s Got It
It took 2 weeks for Musk to consolidate direct control over the core functions of the U.S. government and start deploying them for his own purposes. That was quick. So, Musk and His Minions (TM) now directly control the functions…
Well Actually: Just Use the ‘C’ Word
No, although those are good guesses. Except ‘colander’; I have no idea what you were thinking with that one. It’s ‘coup’. It’s being reported that Musk’s personal staff have taken direct control of multiple federal offices and computer systems, locking…