Having Freedom of Conscience means the State cannot outlaw Hate Crimes, because it cannot make law based on motivations. Otherwise, the State gets into the business of determining what motivations are acceptible. And frankly no State can be trusted with…
Executive Oversight: Gonna Keep Bangin’ That Drum
I’ve been on about this since one of the first posts on this blog (Failed Constitution Check: Executive Oversight): The United States has no effective oversight of the Executive branch. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Witness the ongoing festival of Hatch…
Re-opening Your Business: There’s An App For That
So, my local county has decided to require a cell phone app for employees of “non-essential” businesses. Ugh. Just, ugh. First, this is exactly what I was saying is the wrong approach a few weeks ago in Don’t Get Comfortable:…
Big Data: Meet Big Government
So, you think we can go back to gathering in crowds again, huh? Yeah, but no. First, most of the country very much does not have this pandemic under enough control to do that. But even if we did, our…
Just Go Home: What To Do When The Autocrat Is Correct
We’re gonna keep doing this, huh? Once more, in list-format this time, for the young ‘uns out there … no, they do not have the legitimate authority to order you to stay home yes: they do have the power to…
Again: Not Wrong, Still Stupid
Apparently, we’re gonna deal with this again now. What the hell; it’s been two weeks. Two weeks ago, I posted Still Idiots: Not Totally Wrong. It’s mostly about how, while I do agree with these crackpots that no reasonable reading…
Don’t Get Comfortable: Privacy, Movement And Isolation
So, as the new West Coast Pact starts talking about how to get everything moving again we need to talk about control; control of the virus and control of the government. ‘Cause this isn’t over yet. The virus is still…
Weird Times: The Rise Of Ad-Hoc Federalism
Well, that was not what I expected to happen yesterday. It seems that there are some new Interstate Compacts forming. With the dystopian-fiction names of “The West Coast Pact” and the “6-States Council”, though that second one keeps getting updated;…
Firing Inspectors: Exposing The Weakness In The System
Trump’s been busy in the last few days, demonstrating the weakness in the United States’ “Inspector General” model of Executive oversight; for the details see Trump Firing Intelligence IG For Doing His Job? Sure, Why Not? and more recently Fired…
Still Idiots: Not Totally Wrong
According to any sane reading of the Constitution, the State here in the United States does not have the power to issue mandatory quarantine orders. They just don’t. Because they are expressly forbidden from “abridging” “the right of the people…