The cornerstone of any “endemic COVID” concept, including California’s newly-announced not-yet-a-plan, will have to be testing. Lots and lots of testing. And more effective testing than we’ve managed to do so far. For example, the local school district runs weekly…
Endemic: Just Another Word For “Giving Up”
Newsom’s grabbing for the brass ring before the ride stops. Again. Today’s infuriating headline is “California to unveil shift to ‘endemic’ approach to coronavirus“. Endemic. So, for those of you who haven’t been paying attention, “endemic” means accepting the disease…
Don’t Stop Now: Riding the Pandemic Tiger
It’s appropriate that we just entered The Year of The Tiger, since apparently a whole lot of folks need reminding about what “riding a tiger” means. ‘He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount’. And he damn well should be. One thing about…
Let’s Do This: Cap and Trade For Reals
Any of y’all who think human-made climate change is a hoax should probably just click away to somewhere else right about now. Cause it’s very, very real. And accepting that is kinda necessary for this discussion. TL;DR: as Bender would…
Water, Water Everywhere: Mass Desalination Is Already Necessary
I haven’t made any secret of the fact that I live in California, so it shouldn’t be surprising that drought is on my mind a lot lately. California is very, very dry. This is normal-ish: the parts of California that…
Just Stop It: This “Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated” Stuff Is Nonsense
This has been bugging me for a few weeks: Stop calling it a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”; that’s just not true. And it’s not helpful. It’s very much still a pandemic of everyone. First, it’s still a pandemic: That’s the…
Background: Privilege Discourse Is Incoherent
“Privilege” could be a useful concept, but with the way it’s used in modern discourse it’s just not. At its base, “privilege” is a really simple concept. It just means “stuff that one group has which another group doesn’t”. Simple.…
Background: “Systemic Racism” Is A Distraction
This post follows Background: You Are Responsible For Your Own Actions. They’re part of a series trying to set down some background philosophical stances that come into play when I think about America’s culture war issues. First let’s define a…
Background: You Are Responsible For Your Own Actions
I want to write about a few things like the slavery reparations movement, “critical race theory”, and USDA grants being prioritized for racial minority farmers all of which I think are wrong, but it can get complicated and there are…
Political Party Time: Ezra Klein Is Wrong About A Thing
It’s not really surprising that I’d think that, mind; I see Klein as kind of a squishy centrist’s idea of what a liberal firebrand looks like so I often think he’s wrong about things. This time he’s wrong about something…