Territories, federal districts, protectorates; whatever you call them, their very existence violates one of the foundational principles of this country. No taxation without representation. In the United States, this is repeated at us endlessly, from elementary level history to Schoolhouse…
You Need To Read This: Remembering Courtney Everts Mykytyn
You should read this, from Mother Jones. I hadn’t heard of Courtney Everts before I read it. But she sounds like she had the right idea: you probably can’t change the systems around you, but you are responsible for how…
SPQA: Senatus Populusque Americanus
This is a followup to Let’s Do This: For Once Something Is Actually About States’ Rights. Either abolish the Senate or change the Constitution to make us a real federation. Let’s get really non-controversial: the only reason the Senate exists…
No Spoilers: Ranked Choice Voting
This is related to Bloc Party: Real Representation In Government. That one is concerned with elections where multiple candidates will win, this one is concerned with single candidate elections. Framed. When the United States’ Constitution was written, the discipline now…
Let’s Do This: For Once Something Is Actually About States’ Rights
We have a history here in the United States of claiming that some … things … were about the rights of the states against the federal government when really they were about … something else. Yeah; that. This is not…
Bloc Party: Real Representation In Government
The legislatures of this country frankly suck, and this is no secret. For example, polls regularly find more than 75% of their respondents think Congress is not responsive to their voters in any meaningful way. This is kinda by design.…
You Need To Read This: How To Avoid Swallowing War Propaganda
You very much need to read this, from Current Affairs. He’s right, and brave to say this. Saying that someone was “responsible for the deaths of U.S. service members” does not, in and of itself, tell us anything about whether…
Get It Right: “Extreme” Does Not Mean “Wrong”
The word “extreme” seems to have dropped quite a ways since the ’90’s, when that was exactly what every advertisement was selling. Maybe it’s the Boomers? But I doubt that Boomer reaction to Mentos-fueled Gen Xers has much to do…
Gun Control: More Than Just Hittin’ What Yer Aimin’ At
So, there’s a certain breed of … let’s say “gun enthusiast” … who often sports the slogan “Gun Control is Hitting What You Aim At”. Many of them like it ’cause “it totally 0wnz the l1bs”. These people are wrong.…
It’s Complicated: Not Everything Bad Is Racist
Folks who are really bothered by a particular issue, and focus on it to the exclusion of everything else, are really hard to talk to. Try talking to a Marxist about anything without them attributing it to economic class. OK,…