Ooooooh; shiny!

I’ve made no secret here of my, let’s say disdain, for all the generative A.I. hype.

Ed Zitron (at Where’s Your Ed At) is also no fan, which is very clear in his latest post: The Generative AI Con.

We focus on different problems with generative systems, though.

There are so, so many problems to choose from.

Mostly, my issue with it is technical: that there is no “intelligence” involved and that these systems are untrustworthy. And that due to the underlying nature of these systems, those technical faults can never be fixed.

Ed, on the other hand, approaches this from a PR and business background so his critique is more focused on empty marketing claims and ludicrously bad cost and sales numbers.

He gets kinda ranty in this one too.

Which, speaking as a connoisseur of invective, he does quite well. It’s informative, cathartic and infuriating; the best kind of read.

So go read The Generative AI Con today.


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