I’ve said it here before: you literally cannot get more Un-American than caring about the King or Queen of England.
But trying to be a King of America comes a very close second.
This is very well established, historically if not legally (shout out to the current crop of idiots on the Supreme Court).
Federalist Number 69, “The Real Character of the Executive”, discusses the proposed executive office and compares the roles of monarch and president.
It points out, in 1788 and during the debate over the new Constitution, a very fundamental principle.
This is America; we don’t do royalty.
The Schoolhouse Rock generation would never support a President who would call themselves king. Claiming the role of king in the United States of America is and always will be an impeachable “high crime” (treason, specifically).
The U.S. fought our first ever war over this principle, and I guess we’re gonna have to be ready for another one.
We will have no more kings.
NOTE: I had to add “ketamine” to the spellchecker for this post. What amazing times we live in, indeed.
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