I’m going to look at something other than Musk’s ongoing coup in the U.S. today.
Hey, it’s a holiday.
(Though not one I’ve ever felt like celebrating, and this year that’s more the case than ever.)
So let’s turn our attention to Ukraine again. Yes, it’s still there.
Trump, as expected, is preparing to withdraw U.S. support. While trying to extort half a trillion dollars in mining concessions, which honestly was a surprise to me.
Seriously; his idiot venality can still surprise me.
I know; shocking.
Anyway, that leaves the task of stopping this to Europe.
They’ve contributed a lot of resources so far, but without the U.S. contribution it’s unlikely that they can keep Ukraine’s defense going on their own.
(It’s unlikely just donating resources was ever going to be enough, but with Europe on their own it’s even less likely.)
So, boots on the ground time.
If money isn’t enough, then joining directly in defending Ukraine (at its 2014 borders) is all that’s left.
It’s doubtful that Russia would choose to stand against the united armies of Europe, and even if they did it’s extremely unlikely that they could win.
At least Zelensky is talking about an “Army of Europe”, and some of the other countries are listening. So maybe Europe will see this in time to do some good.
The moral question is still the same as it was in 2014.
What kind of world do you want to live in?
Do you want a world where large countries are allowed to roll over their neighbors? Where guns and troops decide the laws everywhere? Where fighting could break out anywhere at any time?
Or do you want a world where everyone pitches in to stop that kind of thing? Where the laws are set by votes? Where conflicts can be resolved without drones and tanks?
Because that really is the choice here.
If Russia gets away with this, China and India (and the U.S., under its new ownership) will know that no one will stop them when they launch their own invasions. And Russia will know no one will stop them when they decide to add another country.
I’ve said before, World War III has already started; how big and how bad this gets will be decided by how successful Russia is at annexing Ukraine.
I’m sorry, Europe, but it’s up to you.
Stop this now.
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