Of course they’ve put out a forbidden words list.
Several, actually.
That link up there is about the NSF list, but the NSA has a different one; I don’t think anyone’s made a list of lists yet, but I’ve seen discussions of at least five lists floating around the federal government in the past week.
And, naturally for a coup of this magnificent dumbitude, they’re all different.
Bans are the first (and last) refuge of the foolish.
When your thoughts can’t compete in the marketplace of ideas, forbid any alternatives. I guess these folks really are business-people.
They dislike what someone’s saying, but rather than replying they’ll use the vast powers of the State to prevent anyone saying it.
It’s frankly the most cowardly and insecure response possible.
How can anyone see this and think that this represents strength or courage?
I just realized I should include the full list in this post; just, ya know, for completeness:
- activism
- activists
- advocacy
- advocate
- advocates
- barrier
- barriers
- biased
- biased toward
- biases
- biases towards
- bipoc
- black and latinx
- community diversity
- community equity
- cultural differences
- cultural heritage
- culturally responsive
- disabilities
- disability
- discriminated
- discrimination
- discriminatory
- diverse backgrounds
- diverse communities
- diverse community
- diverse group
- diverse groups
- diversified
- diversify
- diversifying
- diversity and inclusion
- diversity equity
- enhance the diversity
- enhancing diversity
- equal opportunity
- equality
- equitable
- equity
- ethnicity
- excluded
- female
- females
- fostering inclusivity
- gender
- gender diversity
- genders
- hate speech
- excluded
- female
- females
- fostering inclusivity
- gender
- gender diversity
- genders
- hate speech
- hispanic minority
- historically
- implicit bias
- implicit biases
- inclusion
- inclusive
- inclusiveness
- inclusivity
- increase diversity
- increase the diversity
- indigenous community
- inequalities
- inequality
- inequitable
- inequities
- institutional
- Igbt
- marginalize
- marginalized
- minorities
- minority
- multicultural
- polarization
- political
- prejudice
- privileges
- promoting diversity
- race and ethnicity
- racial
- racial diversity
- racial inequality
- racial justice
- racially
- racism
- sense of belonging
- sexual preferences
- social justice
- sociocultural
- socioeconomic
- status
- stereotypes
- systemic
- trauma
- under appreciated
- under represented
- under served
- underrepresentation
- underrepresented
- underserved
- undervalued
- victim
- women
- women and underrepresented
- No, Seriously: Shut It All Down Before It’s Too Late - 2025-03-07
- Calexit: Dumb Name, Smart Idea - 2025-03-06
- Bankers’ War: Costly And Ineffective - 2025-03-05
We’re using that kind of language here now? Good.