Just when you thought it might be safe to read the news again, Musk & His Minions are bringing a whole new (stupid) angle to modern coups.
Yes, this coup has A.I.
(No, no it doesn’t but play along for a moment.)
Musk’s Minions have been installing “A.I.” nodes inside government networks and talking about re-imagining government as clusters of A.I.-s talking amongst themselves without all those pesky people getting in the way.
This is obviously insane.
Even if A.I. were real, and not just the most massively over-promised and under-delivered fad (since the Metaverse, at least) among the buzzwording elite, this would be bonkers.
Stark raving there’s drool everywhere bonkers.
Creating an artificial intelligence worth trusting with any level of government involvement would be years of development and decades of testing. This would never be the sort of thing you could throw together from off-the-shelf parts in an afternoon.
But, in a move fast and break things (especially laws) sort of way, they’re removing people and plugging in LLMs.
And just, wow, that is extremely stupid.
Because there is no A.I.; like, none at all.
It isn’t real.
I have mentioned this before, briefly.
What is being called “A.I.” in the press (people who should know better than to drink anything handed to them by the Hype Fairy, but apparently really don’t) is no more than a ludicrously resource-intensive way to create natural appearing text that can seem plausible only to someone who knows nothing about the topic it discusses.
These are expensive bullshit generators, nothing more.
And this is what they’re crowbarring into our government.
I had thought wrecking the environment by ignoring both good science and common sense was the stupidest apocalypse, but along these idiots come to show just how wrong I was.
Must be why Musk has the big bucks.
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